I am the luckiest girl in the world.



Rachel Flanagan
Founder & Fisherlady

I started working as a seine deckhand in 2012 with no experience; I wrote 100 letters to seine captains asking for work and, after a lot of let downs, found one who would give me a job. That was all she wrote.

Since then, fishing has become my passion and my year round pursuit. From salmon in Alaska, to squid in California, to sharks and small, evil, spiky critters on the East coast, to little jungle fish in Nicaragua, to wahoo in Panama, I love it all. 

I bought my own drift boat in Alaska in 2014, the humble F/V Zig Zag. 2018 has lead to an upgraded boat, the Selkie, and hopes of finally buying a permit in the fall. I am passionate about travelling, wearing party vests, eating fresh wild food, working to preserve fishing communities, and especially, the Copper River delta.

Currently Copper River Fresh Catch is my side project. Over the past two years I have learned a lot about what it takes to direct market seafood as an owner/operator. I believe this process, while very time consuming, provides an important connection between fishermen and consumers. We get to provide you with the absolute best quality fish and you get to know exactly who and where that fish came from. I hope to continue growing this business slowly and sustainably. It's a lot of work for one person, but I really love the pride and freedom that come with the business. Please feel free to call or email anytime to find out how you can get fresh or frozen Copper River salmon, or even to learn about my experience becoming a direct marketer. 

Mark Hazeltine

Mark has been a fisherman all his life. Every summer of his childhood was spent exploring set net sites in Prince William Sound, pretending and adventuring in the small Alaskan fishing town of Cordova or out on the boat with his dad - and sometimes his mom, his sister, and their two dogs too! Even though Mark swore he would never become a fisherman, he's been running his own boat now for 9 years. He's grown to love fishing and the friends and lifestyle the salmon summer brings. 

Mark was born in Alaska and is happy to call it home. He is deeply proud of working in a sustainable, natural fishery. He loves to share his fish with people who understand and appreciate the incredible quality and nutrition of fresh, wild, Alaskan salmon.

When Mark doesn't have his net in the water you can find him surfing the Copper River delta, hiking the mountains of Prince William Sound, or playing guitar around a fire at the family cabin just south of Denali State Park.

Some of the fish sold through Copper River Fresh Catch are from Mark. :)


Keta Pooch
Beast Friend and Fun Haver 

Meet the pooch. Keta is our best friend, our happiness inspiration, our reminder to smile even in the most stressful of times. She is a boat dog extraordinaire. We could not do this without her. That wagging tail and that adorable, cheery face can make the sun come out on the stormiest of days. She loves salmon, especially kippered salmon. When not barking at jumpers or hiding from breakers, you can find her running like the wind down long stretches of sandy, deserted beach, chasing leaves in the forest, or standing under the grill, licking salmon oil as it falls. She, against her will, gets baths often.



To stay up to date, check out Rachel's Instagram!
